Thought I misspelt it for “Friday Fever”? No ..Not that… I do have that also. but I am not speaking that now… (may be??)


Every Friday, an #angel (I don’t want to name it demon) visits me and takes possession of me. The angel tells me how badly I worked the past four days and how I have not fulfilled the reason for my being. Trust me, the angel also tells me I could have worked wonders through the week and could have had a happy weekend.

I regret. I reflect. I respond.

I close my eyes and replay the scene in the apartment before I start to office. The race I ran with the seconds hand in the clock – the number of times I run in between the living room , the mirror , the kitchen and finally a run (with my shoes on toes) to check the stove , heaters and to ensure all appliances and lights turned off. I visualize how shabbily I left the house – scattered advertisement papers, chocolate wrappers, coffee cups, undone dishes, the week’s used pairs of socks on the shoe rack ….. Hmm, yes that’s the mess I live in.

The list of regrets goes on.. the half read library book at the bedside,  the draft blog post, incomplete Norsk homework, an ambitious workout plan unachieved, …..I sink in regrets at the unachieved plans.

The angel does not appreciate the despondence across my face and says “Doesnt suit you Baby.. Action!! Its Friday again.” I brush off the stains of regrets and I start making plans for a perfect Saturday and more perfect Sunday with a week ahead in mind.  A compensatory sleep schedule, planned menu and shopping list based on the menu and  training schedule.

I lookup the web for the weekend apartment therapy and end up making a detailed cleaning plan. The angel doesn’t let me relax and wakes up the dream blogger in me. I look for writing challenges, topics for writing and make a list of titles to write. The excitement of making these plans gives me more energy I search for new recipes to experiment over the weekend and the shopping list is also made. Sounds like an awesome plan.. aint it?

The possessed me is all in fire to execute these plans. I kiss the angel for the awareness and converting the awkwardness to an action plan.

Did you say a Vow now? I do always… in admiration of the great action plan.

She hugs me and says “the next plan would be even better Baby”

Thats the end of the Friday Fervor…

The angel who took possession of me is in a hurry to leave and bids good-bye to meet me a week later. The truth is she meets me in the same state every Friday and never did I meet her in a better situation.

I hear you ask what I did with those plans? The enthusiasm is fresh in the evening and starts dwindling with hours and reduces even more as I hit the snooze button Saturday morning and soon it is Sunday night when I am already worrying about the weekend that was over…

And about the Friday Fever now…This fervor was because of the fever that took over before the angel arrived.

Does the fervor hit you too??