Not everyone understood what would happen…

The initial warnings were not loud enough…

The initial protests weren’t strong enough….

The loss wasn’t visible enough …

The depletion wasn’t tangible enough…

Employment opportunities in the name of economic development blinded the common man…

Money strewn in the name of corporate social responsibility muted every voice of opposition…

Ban Sterlite
Ban Sterlite Image Courtesy: Google Images

Soon came a day when the air wasn’t good enough breathe… depleted of oxygen and enriched with sulphur

The water wasn’t good enough to drink.. depleted of aquatic life contained more acids…

The soil wasn’t good enough to farm.. depleted of vegetation contained residue.

The polluter bought mansions in a clean environment. The adulterator harvested farms in a far way lands. The cheating law makers had their bank accounts full… The thieves thrive in luxury .

The common man , the local deprived of clean air, water and land , lives in suffocation, disease and producing challenged offsprings.. deprived of a normal livelihood.

#BanSterlite #SaveTuticorin #SaveTheCommonMan

For further reading on this topic: